On Active provides professional customized expediting services for Romania and Eastern Europe. Our expediting services consist in:
- Production Status control
- Project fulfillment
- Following the order book fulfillment and schedules compliance
The focus in vendor expediting is insuring the respect of the dispatch dates (maximizing the On Time Delivery Indicators) and the compliance with the Quality requirements (Fr: Suivi founisseurs Roumanie). Our expediters are professionals with extensive experience in production follow-up and supply base management.
The projects already developed recommend us in being a very reliable partner for any company purchasing or sourcing in Romania and Eastern Europe.
OTD (On Time Delivery) improvement over major projects.
"Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things."
Peter Drucker
Expediting meaning: “speeding up a progress of”. This would be the general definition of expediting.
Aplying this to industry comes naturally and is a basic need especially in industries with longer lead-time or complex products. Expediting is more needed in large scale projects as slippages causing late deliveries could get very expensive and might lead to market share impact and unsatisfied clients. In order to save unnecessary costs and minimize potential risks, companies agree the use of a third party expediter.
Reporting in expediting services is key, companies will agree on the expediting format and frequency in order to better meet the need of each project or order book. Most of the times expediters are experts from companies specialized in the field who keep track of the due dates, supervise on site progress and check whether the components will be delivered on time. Usually expediting reports are accompanied by photographic evidence of the physical progress of the products expedited.
Our company provides services for western European companies in identifying, the most suited Romanian suppliers for fabrication welded structures and machining. Also we provide supplier screening, pre-audits, overall financial stability of the potential suppliers.
Having already an extensive experience and a spread network of contacts within the industry we are important partners for large industrial production plants in western Europe.
Field Expediting
Field Expediting provides companies with a clear status and a comprehensive review of their order book. This consists in physically visiting with suppliers and checking the actual status of products. If slippages against schedules are identified, the field expediter will inquire into the causes of delays and recovery actions.
Desk Expediting
Consists in phone or email follow-up of a project towards delivering in the shortest leadtime possible. Photographic evidence are usually made available with the precise standing of an order in the desk expediting process.
Expediting should be incorporated into the project planning at its earliest stage to ensure timely delivery.
"An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage."
Jack Welch
"An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage."
Jack Welch
Our expediters are experienced professionals quickly able to verify progress against schedules, identify potential situations that may lead to eventual slippages or delays.
On Active expediters are in close contact with the custommer and, wherever appropriate, provide a verbal close out call prior to leaving the supplier premises.
"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”
On Active Srl
Str. Iosif Vulcan, nr. 30A Timisoara 300315 Romania
+4 0724 022 922
Managing Partner:
Tiberiu Filip